My Thoughts on the creation of the universe.

 Hello readers, I am Nandakishore. Today I will share you my thoughts on the 'HOW THE UNIVERSE BEGAN'

I am really sorry that I could not upload the the posts last two days due to network problem. Today we will continue to know about the cosmos.

In the last post the main question was, did BIG BANG ever took place? Is BIG BANG referring to something else?


If BIG BANG took place then we are actually referring to something else. It could be a White hole. We know that BLACK HOLES are dangerous and time runs very slowly near it and also its gravitational pull is so strong that even light cant escape from its field of gravity beyond the event horizon ultimately denying to have the vision of the singularity in it. No one know what happens inside a black hole and what ever falls into it, falls for ever or they say so. But what happens to the matter in it after the life of a black hole(because according to law of conservation of mass, mass can neither be created nor destroyed)? Well Scientists have a theory that Black Holes after its life gets changed to a White hole which expels the matter at the speed of light of or greater. So know you should got an idea of what I am referring the BIG BANG to. According to me the term BIG BANG is referred to a WHITE HOLE which emerged from a Supermassive BLACK HOLE. 

There is one more reason why I am referring a BIG BANG to a white hole. It is because of a simple phenomena that happens in earth based on every day life .i.e  according to me "The process of Destruction or any other phenomena that leads to its END starts the very first moment it is created.

For example: In case of water, Evaporation, pollution etc. are the phenomena that lead to its END. Evaporation starts from the moment it was made. Pollution of water starts from the very first moment it was created due the dust particle/impurities present in the atmosphere. The ecosystem tries to rectify it by the phenomena called Water Cycle but the end due to the pollution causing activities of humans and animals (Every action has equivalent and opposite reaction is true in even this case according to me) it becomes it impure unfit to use by which all the living organisms dies leading to losing of atmosphere and the planet becomes deserted with all the water evaporated into the space. 

Similarly, the the destruction or end of the Universe (BIG CRUNCH) started from the very beginning it was created by BlG BANG .i.e The process of destruction leading to the Black holes which further leads to the End of the universe begins by the formation of HUGE stars capable of leaving core which is 3 to 4 times more denser that it self after its life time which gets collapsed to itself due to exceptionally strong force of gravitation ultimately leading to form Black Holes which pulls everything around it including light. The only basic difference from the example I mentioned above is that here space is the ecosystem and Planets, Stars etc. are the Organisms. the Universe tries to rectify it by emerging White holes at certain parts of it. in certain intervals. However Supermassive black holes dominates it with huge life span and gravitational pull. There will be time after a trillions of years where only Black holes would exist. Then there are high chances that all of them could merge and form a HYPER MASSIVE Black hole which then changes to White Hole and spitting all the matter out in very high speed. According to me This is what BIG BANG is. 

Even now there still remains a question that what created matter. Well it just existed with the Space if not then it breaks the Law of conservation of mass for sure. Maybe we are not just allowed to know it.

I will discuss more about the cosmos in upcoming post. TILL THEN STAY HEALTHY AND STAY SAFE.


  1. Very nicely explained hope u do make such contents in future .
    Thanks for the information.


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